Task priority helps you (or members of your team) to better plan your day and stay focused on the tasks that are most important first. You can mark steps in a sequence with a priority to provide ease of sorting in your daily task lists.
Daily task lists, which are found on the "Home" screen and on a sequences and "Tasks" tab, are organized by calls, manual emails, and action items. You can sort task lists based on priority in either descending or ascending order.
Refer to the sections below to better understand how and where you can change or assign a priority for a task.
Set Priority for Tasks in Sequences
Launch Apollo and then click Engage.
Open an existing sequence or click + New Sequence to build out a new one with tasks.
Within your built-out sequence, click the additional options button next to any step and then click Edit.
Within the "Edit Step" modal click the Priority modal and then click the priority that you would like to apply to the step.
Please note, "Automatic Email" tasks do not have a Priority dropdown since they do not require any interaction from an Apollo user before they send.
When you're finished, click Save.
Repeat this process for any additional tasks.
Sort Tasks Priority on the Tasks Tab
Launch Apollo and click Cockpit on the "Home" page.
From the "Cockpit" tab, click Complete My Daily Tasks.
Click the Sort by drop-down.
Click the first drop-down in the new modal and then click Priority.
Click the second drop-down and select Ascending or Descending.
Click Apply.
Your task list is now sorted by priority.