Pause a Contact in a Sequence

Article author
Sarah Malone


There may be times when you need to manually pause a contact in a sequence. For example: If a contact's colleague responds to your message, you can pause the contact until you have identified where the engagement with their colleague leads.

Pause for Thought!

Contemplating if you should press pause? You can manually resume a contact in a sequence at any time. Please read the "Resume Paused Contacts in a Sequence" article for further information.

Refer to the section below for the steps to take to pause a contact in a sequence.

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Manually Pause a Contact

Launch Apollo, click Engage, and then click Sequences.


Click the sequence from which you want to pause a contact.

Choose Sequence

Click Contacts and then click the checkbox(es) next to the contact(s) that you want to pause in the sequence.

Contacts Tab

Click the pause sequence icon.

Pause Sequence

Apollo displays a Pause Contacts in Sequence modal. If you want to set an automatic resume date, click the search bar and select the date on the calendar that appears.

Auto-Resume Calendar

The Choice is Yours!

Please note, it is optional to set an automatic resume date. You can choose to pause a contact for the duration you see fit and resume manually at any time. If you decide to pause a contact indefinitely, Apollo recommends you remove the contact from the sequence altogether. For more information about the steps to take to do so, please refer to the "Remove a Contact from a Sequence" article

Click the Select drop-down on the right if you want to set a specific time to auto-resume the contact(s).

Auto-Resume Time Drop-Down

Click Pause.

Pause Button

You have now paused a contact in a sequence.

Apollo's Pausing Powers!

Please note, Apollo itself can pause a contact in a sequence. For example: If the Apollo algorithms detect an out-of-office response, it will pause the contact in its sequence. To find out more about how to know when Apollo has paused a contact in a sequence and how to identify which contacts you need to manually resume, please refer to the "Does an Out-Of-Office Auto-Reply Pause a Contact in a Sequence?" article.

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