Playbooks are in Beta development, and may exhibit unexpected behavior. For more information about Playbooks, refer to the Playbooks Overview (BETA) article.
Playbook Rulesets allow you to target your Playbooks more efficiently and intelligently. Playbook Rulesets allow Apollo to handle more repetitive tasks targeted to your accounts and contacts, as well as grant you more control over how your Playbooks operate.
Refer to the steps below to create a Playbook Ruleset.
Create a Playbook Ruleset
Launch Apollo and click Settings.
Click Playbook Rulesets (Beta) on the left.
Click + Add in the top-right corner. Apollo displays a new page for you to configure your settings.
Under the Basic Info section, click the field under Playbook Ruleset Name and enter a name for your Playbook Ruleset.
Click the Playbook Ruleset Owner drop-down and select an owner.
In the People Settings section, enter a number to set the maximum number of contacts per account that you want to be active in a sequence at any given time.
Under Automatically Add Contacts or New Prospects to Playbooks?, click the radio button next to your preferred choice. You can either review each contact before you add them to a Playbook or have Apollo add contacts automatically.
Please note, if you allow Apollo to automatically add contacts, Apollo may prospect people on your behalf. This can potentially cost you lead credit.
Under What should Apollo do when there are no suggested contacts in your ICP?, click the radio button next to your preferred choice. You can leave the account in the Playbook so you can add new contacts or finish and remove the account from the Playbook.
Under Which field should be used to determine which user to send emails from & assign tasks to, click the radio button next to your preferred choice. You can assign this to the account owner or someone else with a custom field.
Under If not specified, which email account should Apollo use to send emails when a Contact is added to a sequence?, click the radio button next to your preferred choice. You can send only from the default email account of the account owner or randomly send emails from all linked email accounts of the account owner.
In the Safeguards section, under Do NOT suggest contacts in the following stages you can select the stage(s) you want to have Apollo ignore for suggesting contacts. Click the drop-down and select the stage(s) you want this to apply to. You can select as many stages as needed.
Also optionally, under Mark account as finished in playbook if account stage changes to any of the following: you can select the stage(s) to have Apollo marked your Playbook as finished. Click the drop-down and select the stage(s) to which you want this to apply.
Click Save when you're done.
You have now created a Playbook Ruleset.
Edit a Playbook Ruleset
Refer to the steps below to edit or configure your Playbook Ruleset.
Launch Apollo and click Settings.
Click Playbook Rulesets (Beta) on the left.
Click the Playbook Ruleset you want to edit.
Adjust your settings to your liking, and click Save when you're finished.
You have now edited your Playbook Ruleset.
Set a Playbook Ruleset as Default
Refer to the steps below to set a Playbook Ruleset as the default for all newly created Playbooks.
Launch Apollo and click Settings.
Click Playbook Rulesets (Beta) on the left.
Click the More Options icon to the right of your Playbook Ruleset.
Click Set as Default.
Apollo immediately applies the "Default" label to the selected Playbook Ruleset.
You have now set a Playbook Ruleset as default.
Clone a Playbook Ruleset
Refer to the steps below to clone your Playbook Ruleset.
Launch Apollo and click Settings.
Click Playbook Rulesets (Beta) on the left.
Click the More Options icon to the right of your Playbook Ruleset.
Click Clone.
Apollo displays a new page with the cloned settings of your Playbook Ruleset. Adjust the name and settings to your liking, and click Save when you're done.
Apollo displays the new Playbook Ruleset in the list.
You have now cloned a Playbook Ruleset.
Delete a Playbook Ruleset
Refer to the steps below to delete a Playbook Ruleset you no longer want to use.
Launch Apollo and click Settings.
Click Playbook Rulesets (Beta) on the left.
Click the More Options icon to the right of your Playbook Ruleset.
Click Delete.
Please note, Apollo does not confirm the delete step with you, so make absolutely sure you want to delete the Playbook Ruleset before you click it!
Apollo displays the current list of Playbook Rulesets when complete.
You have now deleted a Playbook Ruleset.