Why Are the Users I Assign in Okta Not Created in Apollo?

Article author
Sarah Malone

If you've set up SCIM user provisioning, Apollo automatically creates a new user in Apollo when you assign a user in Okta. The same applies when you deactivate or update a user.

Encountering issues? There are 2 reasons Apollo may not have created a newly assigned Okta user in Apollo:

  • Your team has hit your plan's seat limit: You can upgrade your plan here to increase your seat limit. If you need assistance reach out to Apollo support.
  • The user is part of another team in Apollo: Apollo sends the user an invitation to join your team. The user must accept the invite for the SCIM user provisioning to work.

For more information about all things Okta, refer to the Set Up Single Sign-On (SSO) with Okta for Your Apollo Account article.

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