Create and Use Email Templates

Article author
Brandan Blevins


Email templates help consolidate the content that you and your team send to contacts. Templates also enable your team to collaborate and share resources.

Email Template Permissions

Use permission profiles to control which team members can edit and create templates. For more information, refer to Create and Assign Permission Profiles.

The following sections outline how to create email templates and use those templates in your sequence steps.

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Create a New Email Template

To create a new email template:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Emails > Templates.
  2. Click New Template. Create a new template.
  3. Name your email template and assign an owner. To store the template in a specific folder, click Browse and select a folder. Add tags to categorize the template and make it easier to find in searches. Name and assign template.
  4. Enter a subject line and body for your email template. Name and assign template.
  5. Click {} to add dynamic variables to the subject line and body of your email. Variables pull in dynamic text and help you better cater your emails to your audience. Add variables to the template.
  6. Review the real-time preview of your email. Click Send Test Email to Me to receive a test version of the email in your inbox. Preview the email.
  7. When you finish editing your template, click Save.

Your email template is now ready to use.

For more information about dynamic variables, refer to Use Basic Dynamic Variables, Use Advanced Dynamic Variables, and Use Custom Dynamic Variables.

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Edit a Template

To edit an existing email template, launch Apollo and click Emails > Templates. Then, click the template you want to edit.

Edit a email template.

Make the necessary changes, then click Save. The template updates immediately and Apollo reflects your edits in any sequence step that uses it.

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Save Email Templates from Sequences

When creating or editing a sequence, you can save any email as a template. This enables you and your team to use the email again across Apollo.

To save an email in a sequence as a template, click the Save as a new template checkbox. Then, name the template and click Save.

Save an email in a sequence as a template.

You've now saved the email template and can use it in other sequences.

Find Your Saved Templates

Click Emails > Templates to find any email template you save from a sequence.

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Add an Email Template to a Sequence

Use existing email templates in your sequences to streamline email content creation and share your most effective messaging tactics with your team.

When you create or edit a sequence, add a step for an automatic or manual email. Then, when editing the template, click the Load templates icon and select the one you want to use for the sequence step.

Add a template to a sequence step.

You can either clone the template or link to the template.

Link or clone the template.

  • Clone: Click Clone to make a new copy of the selected email template. If you edit the cloned template, it does not impact the original version.
  • Link: Click Link to use the selected email template across multiple sequences. If you edit the linked template, Apollo applies your changes to the original version, including in any sequence steps that feature the template.

If you choose to link the template, Apollo informs you if the template is shared across sequences. Either use the template in its existing form or click the links in the warning message to unlink or edit the template.

Edit or unlink the template.

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