When you create a sequence and add contacts to it, you need to consider which mailbox you want to use to reach your contacts. By default, this could be the mailbox you linked directly to your user name, but there may be instances when you need to change this to another mailbox linked to your account.
There are many locations in the platform where you can change your linked mailbox:
- The "Contacts" page
- Individual Contact records
- The "Emails" tab in a sequence
- The "Emails" tab in the Engage section
The sections below highlight 3 of the easiest ways to update which mailbox you use to email contacts from Apollo.
Please note, you can update a linked mailbox at any time. The mailbox you link is not permanent.
Add Contacts to a Sequence and Select a Linked Mailbox
You can select a linked mailbox when you add a contact to a sequence. Launch Apollo, hover your mouse over Search in the navbar, and then click People.
Add filters to your search to find the right people for the sequence.
Use the checkbox to select the contact(s).
Click the Sequence drop-down.
Then click Add to Sequence.
Next, click the Sequence drop-down in the Add to Sequence modal and select the sequence to which you would like to add the contact(s).
Click View all sequences if you want to open a new tab to review all your options from the Sequences page.
Click the Send Emails From: drop-down and click the email address you would like to use to email the newly added contacts.
Then, click Add now to immediately add your contact(s) to the sequence with the selected mailbox.
If you don't want to add the contact(s) to the sequence right away, you can schedule when Apollo adds them. First, click Schedule.
Then, click the radio button next to your preferred scheduled time or manually select a custom date and time for which you want Apollo to add the contacts to the sequence.
Click Schedule.
You have now added contact(s) to a sequence and selected a linked mailbox.
For more information on how to add contacts to a sequence, please see Add Contacts to a Sequence.
Update the Linked Mailbox for a Contact in a Sequence
Once you add contacts to a sequence, you can change the linked mailbox at any time.
Launch Apollo, hover your mouse over Engage in the navbar, and then click Sequences.
Click the Sequence for which you want to edit a contact's linked mailbox.
Click Contacts to display the sequence contacts list.
Click the checkbox next to a contact or contacts to select them.
Click ... and then click Email From Different User.
In the modal, use the In the current sequence, send emails from: drop-down to select a linked email address.
When you're finished, click Save.
You have now changed the linked mailbox for a contact in a sequence.
Update the Linked Mailbox for Any Email
Once you have sent an email, you can choose to re-send from a different user or to update the sender for all subsequent sequence steps.
Launch Apollo, click Engage, and then click the Emails tab.
Click the checkbox(es) on the left of each email that you want to select and then click Email from Different User.
In the modal, use the Send emails from: drop-down to select a linked email address.
Click the If a scheduled email is in an active sequence, would you like to change the send from email for subsequent steps as well? drop-down.
Then, select Email from different user for subsequent steps in sequence as well if you want to change the linked mailbox for the selected contact(s) for all remaining steps in the sequence.
Alternatively, click Only email from different user for the selected emails if you want to change the linked mailbox for the selected emails only.
Click Email from Different User.
You have now updated the linked mailbox for any email in any sequence.
Have you selected a Microsoft Exchange mailbox that you did not create in your name? If so, please note that when you send an email the name of the mailbox owner may appear as the sender in the recipient’s inbox. If you want to continue using this mailbox, consider adjusting your Microsoft Exchange settings first. Please refer to the Manage User Mailboxes article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for more information about user settings. Alternatively, select a Microsoft Exchange mailbox that you created in your name or use any other connected mailbox from a supported email service provider. Apollo recommends sending your emails from a Gmail mailbox to get the most out of Apollo’s functionality.