Use a Score Filter

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


Scores help you identify the prospects most likely to convert into buyers by ranking them against attributes of your ideal customers. When you search for people or companies, Apollo assigns a score rating to each result based on how well they match the score. You can filter by scores to quickly hone in on customers.

Check out the following section to use scores on Apollo.

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Use a Score Filter

Use the scores filter to identify the prospects most likely to convert into buyers.

Score Setup

Did you know? Apollo uses auto-score as your primary score by default. If you create a custom score, set it as your primary score.

To use a score filter:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Search > People or Companies.
  2. Click Show Filters > Scores.
  3. Select a minimum score rating:
    • ⭐ Excellent
    • 😄 Good
    • 🙂 Fair
    • ✖ Not a fit

An example score filter is shown set to Excellent

  1. Apollo updates your search results based on the score you selected.

Active Model

Know the Score

Apollo uses your primary score when you prospect. Prospects earn a score rating based on the highest performing signal the prospect matches. For example, if a person matches 2 good signals and 1 excellent signal, they receive an excellent score rating.

  1. Click the score column then select ascending or descending to sort by lowest or highest scores.

Active Model

  1. Click a person or company profile. Apollo shares insights, including each score signal that contributed to the rating.

Active Model

You have now used scores on Apollo.

With your refined prospects, save your search, add contacts to a sequence, reach out with the dialer, or add prospects to a list.

Follow the Filters

Check out Search Filters Overview to learn more about the scores filter and all of the available search filters.

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