Create a Score

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


In Apollo, you can create scores to automatically rank potential contacts and accounts based on the demographics and behaviors that are most important to you.

Context is Key

New to scores? Hop into the Scores Overview article for more information.

Review the sections below to learn how to create a score, set your score as primary, and keep your contact and account scores synced with Salesforce.

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Create a Score

To create a score in Apollo:

  1. Launch Apollo, click Settings, and then click Scores. Settings
  2. Click + Create score. New Scoring Model
  3. Select your target type. Target Type
  4. Give your score a name, add a description, and select a category to give your team more context. Name
  5. Click + Add Filters in the Customer fit and behavioral attributes sections. Add filter button
  6. Click the filter(s) that you want to add. Filters modal
  7. Then, click the drop-down to select the values you want to assign to a score. Values drop-down
  8. Use the scores slider to assign points based on the importance of the values you have selected. The number you choose is up to your discretion. Scores slider
    Wait—what's this slider do?

    For more information on the scoring point system, refer to the What Does the Scale of 1-20 Mean in the Scores Slider? FAQ.

  9. Click + Add more values to assign points to other attributes within the same filter. Add more values button
  10. Want to take a data-driven approach? Click See historical data to view a summary of your best-performing values for that filter. See historical data button
  11. Click + Add Filters to add more customer fit or behavioral attribute filters to your score. Add filters button
    Spoilt For Choice!

    For more information about the available scoring filters, refer to the Define Your Scoring Criteria section of the Scores Overview article.

  12. When you finish adding filters to your score, you can gain a holistic view of how your contacts or accounts rank according to the filters. To do so, scroll up and click Render distribution. Apollo then displays the percentage of contacts or accounts that rank within each of the score categories. Render distribution button
  13. Apollo automatically applies the default category settings to a new score. However, you can adjust the ranges in the settings to narrow or broaden each category. To do so, click the settings cog. Score settings cog
    Crazy about Categories?

    For more information about all things score categories, refer to the Scores Overview article here.

  14. When you finish editing the category ranges, click Save. Save button in score category modal
  15. Click Save when you're done configuring your score. Save button

You have now created a new score.

(Scoring) Rules of the Road

Please note that scores are ranked in descending order. Higher number scores take priority.

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Manage Your Scores

If you are an admin or you have the correct permissions, you can edit, clone, and delete scores at any time. You can also set a primary score.

Set a Primary Score

One at a Time

You can set 1 primary score for people and 1 for companies. Apollo then automatically displays this score in your default table layout on the search page and the contact and account profile pages in Apollo. It is also the primary score that syncs with your CRM.

To set a primary score:

  1. Launch Apollo, click Settings, and then click Scores. Settings
  2. Click the additional options (...) button on the right of the people or company score that you want to set as primary. Then, click Set score as primary. Set score as primary button
  3. Click Set primary in the modal that appears. Set primary button

You have now set your score as primary.

Primary score tag

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Edit, Clone, or Delete a Score

There's Always One!

Please note that you cannot edit the auto-scores generated by Apollo. For more information about who has access to auto-scores and how they work, refer to the Scores Overview article.

To edit, clone, or delete a score:

  1. Launch Apollo, click Settings, and then click Scores. Settings
  2. Click the additional options (...) button on the right of a score. Then, click Edit Score, Clone Score, or Delete Score. Additional options button next to a score

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Sync Contact and Account Scores to Salesforce or HubSpot

Primary Rules!

Only the primary score syncs with your CRM. Double-check that you set the right score as primary before you proceed.

To make the most out of Apollo scores, also make sure you create and map your custom fields. This allows you to connect and leverage the behavioral data from your CRM in your scoring model. For more info on how to link your custom fields to Salesforce, refer to this article. Or to read up on all things custom fields in Apollo, refer to the custom account field, custom contact field, and custom user field articles.

To sync your contact and account scores to Salesforce or HubSpot:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings. Settings
  2. Click Contacts. Contacts
  3. Click Default Fields. Default Fields
  4. Scroll down to Recommendation Score. This setting maps your score to the Salesforce or HubSpot Contact Field (left) and for Salesforce users the Salesforce Lead Field (right). Recommendation Score
  5. Click the drop-down to map the Salesforce or HubSpot Contact Field. Salesforce Contact
  6. For Salesforce users, click the drop-down to map the Salesforce Lead Field. Salesforce Lead
  7. Click Save. Save

You have now synced your score with Salesforce or HubSpot.

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