If you use Apollo for data but use Outreach for engagement, you can integrate Apollo with your Outreach account.
The benefits of this integration include:
- Unified Data: Push Apollo contacts directly into Outreach.
- Ease of Execution: Deploy Apollo contacts into your Outreach sequences.
- Streamlined Workflow: Remove unnecessary steps when working between Apollo and Outreach.
- Automatic Synchronization: Contacts you push from Apollo to Outreach will automatically sync with the same fields.
When you push contacts to Outreach, the following fields will sync—provided they are also present in Apollo: First Name, Last Name, LinkedIn URL, Website URL, Title, City, State, Country, Email, Phone, Street, Postal Code, and Time Zone.
Check out the following sections to connect Apollo and Outreach, push contacts from Apollo to Outreach, and add contacts to an Outreach sequence.
Connect Apollo to Outreach
For optimal functionality, make sure you have permission to create prospects within the Outreach platform before you connect Apollo to Outreach. If you do not have permission, please contact an admin user of your Outreach account. For more information about permission settings in Outreach, refer to the Outreach Governance Profile Settings Overview article in the Outreach Knowledge Base.
Launch Apollo and click Settings. Then, click Integrations.
Scroll to the Outreach section and click Connect.
To connect the platforms, you need to authenticate your account. Click New Authentication in the Outreach Authentication modal.
The authentication modal detects if you are already logged into Outreach in another tab or window and will populate your credentials for you. If you want to access Outreach from an alternative account, make sure you log out of Outreach in all other tabs and windows first.
When the Outreach Authentication drop-down reads: "Outreach Connected," click Next.
Click Finish to complete the connection.
Your Outreach account is now connected with your Apollo instance.
You can only connect one Outreach account to Apollo at a time. To ensure that all account users can access all Outreach sequences from Apollo, make sure you connect an Admin account to Outreach.
Push Net New Contacts to Outreach
Launch Apollo, hover your mouse over Search in the navbar, and then click People.
Click the Net New tab. Then, click the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the contacts that you want to save and push to Outreach.
Click + Save.
Expand the Add to Outreach accordion and then click the Push New Contacts to Outreach checkbox.
If you are ready to add the contacts to a specific sequence, click the Add to Outreach Sequence drop-down and select the sequence.
Click the Send Emails From drop-down to select the appropriate email address.
By default, the Send Emails From dropdown shows all mailboxes from Outreach. As an admin on Apollo, you can adjust permission profiles to show all or certain mailboxes per user.
Navigate to Settings > User and Teams > Permission Profiles > (Select the Profile) > Emails > Can send emails from.
Then select from the dropdown who they can email from:
- All users: All mailboxes from Outreach.
- Self only: Mailboxes related to the user. Apollo shows all mailboxes from Outreach having a matching email with the user’s email address or their mailboxes on Apollo.
- Other users on the same team: All mailboxes from Outreach.
Click Confirm.
When you push a contact into Outreach, Apollo creates a shortcut between the two platforms. Click the Outreach button on the contact's profile page in Apollo to access the synced contact in Outreach.
If you can't see the button, you may need to re-attempt the push. You can do so directly from a contact's profile. Click the additional options (...) button and then, click Push to Outreach.