Configure HubSpot Data Mapping

Article author
Paige York


Apollo allows you to manually configure and change the way that HubSpot fields are mapped to Apollo fields. This helps ensure that you map data correctly across both systems.

Refer to the sections below for details about how to update data mapping between Apollo and HubSpot.

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Map Fields

By default, when you connect Apollo to your HubSpot account, Apollo automatically syncs the following fields with HubSpot:

Type Synced Data
Apollo contact push
  • Company
  • Owner
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Address
Apollo account push
  • Owner
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Domain from Account
  • Founded Year
HubSpot contact pull
  • Company
  • Owner
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Address
HubSpot account pull
  • Owner
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Website/Domain
Recommended Default Field Mapping

Check out this article for recommendations on how to map default fields to your CRM.

You can customize how you map default and custom fields at any time.

  1. Launch Apollo and navigate to Integrations.
  2. Click View next to HubSpot.

View HubSpot Integration

  1. Click Contacts, Accounts, or Deals, then click Fields.
  2. Click the HubSpot field you want to re-map, then select a new field from the dropdown to map to your Apollo field.
  3. Alternatively, click Add field mapping to include any additional fields you want to map between Apollo and HubSpot.

Drop-Down Arrow Example

  1. Repeat this process for any other fields that you want to update. Click Save when you're done.
Industry Field

To avoid errors, HubSpot admin should either create a custom HubSpot property for Apollo industries, or edit the default HubSpot property for industries. Next, paste all of Apollo's industries as picklist values in HubSpot so that the fields match in Apollo.

You have now updated field mapping for contact, account, or deal fields from HubSpot.

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Configure Data Writing Rules

In addition to configuring data mapping between Apollo and HubSpot fields, you can configure whether Apollo auto-fills or overwrites contact or account data in your HubSpot fields. These settings enable Apollo to sync data correctly and allow you to take full advantage of CRM enrichment with Apollo data.

To set data writing rules:

  1. Navigate to your HubSpot integration in Apollo, then select Contacts or Accounts.
  2. Click Data writing rules.

Data writing rules tab highlighted

  1. Select whether to overwrite or auto-fill your HubSpot fields with Apollo data when Apollo pushes records back to your CRM:
    • Set a field to auto-fill to allow Apollo to automatically fill in empty fields for contact or account records from HubSpot. Apollo only auto-fills fields if relevant data is available.
    • Set a field to overwrite to allow Apollo to automatically overwrite existing field data for your contact or account records in HubSpot. Apollo only overwrites data if relevant information is available and differs from the data already in your HubSpot fields.

Auto-fill and overwrite settings highlighted

  1. Click Save when you're done.

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Map Apollo Stages

Apollo Stage Automapping

While you can manually map Apollo stages to HubSpot, Apollo automapping makes the process quick and easy.

To map your Apollo stages to HubSpot:

  1. Navigate to your HubSpot integration in Apollo, then select Contacts, Accounts, or Deals.
  2. Click Stages.
  3. Click Auto-map all stages to automatically map your stages.

Auto-map all stages button highlighted

  1. You can also manually map each stage by matching an Apollo stage to a dropdown option for the HubSpot stage or status.

Manual stage mapping for HubSpot stages

  1. Repeat these steps for any other stages you want to map. Click Save when you're done.
All For One And One For All

To ensure optimal stage mapping functionality, make sure that you only map one Apollo stage to one HubSpot status and vice versa. If you try to map the same Apollo stage to multiple HubSpot fields or the same HubSpot status to multiple Apollo fields, stage mapping between HubSpot and Apollo may not function accurately.


If you need to change the name of a HubSpot status after you’ve mapped it in Apollo, or if you add a new status entirely, it’s important to make sure you reflect those changes in Apollo and update your mappings. This way, Apollo can continue to map 1:1 with all of your HubSpot statuses. Similarly, any time you delete a status in HubSpot, you must delete the Apollo stage to which you mapped it and move the contact/accounts associated with that stage to an active one. You must also map this stage to a status in HubSpot.

Have additional HubSpot questions? Visit the HubSpot section of the Apollo Knowledge Base for more info!

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