Follow Apollo's Recommended Default Field Mapping

Article author
Brandan Blevins


When you integrate a CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce, Apollo lists the default contact and account fields you can map to the CRM. Fields that you do not map will not sync across Apollo and the CRM, so you should map all default fields to avoid data discrepancies. Additionally, mapping more default fields means your data will be more complete across both systems.

To help with the field mapping process, Apollo offers recommendations for both contact fields and account fields. You are not required to follow these recommendations.

The following sections detail where you can map default fields and Apollo's recommendations for field mapping.

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Access the Default Fields

To find default contact fields for mapping:

  1. Launch Apollo and click SettingsContacts.
  2. Click the Default Fields tab.

To find default account fields for mapping:

  1. Launch Apollo and click SettingsAccounts.
  2. Click the Default Fields tab.
More Mapping Options

Apollo provides options to autofill and auto overwrite data for mapped fields. For more information, refer to articles about HubSpot and Salesforce.

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Map Default Contact Fields

Refer to the following table for Apollo's recommendations on default contact field mapping.

Name Value Type Example Description
First Name single-line text Johnathan A contact's legal first name.
Last Name single-line text Doe A contact's legal last name.
Company Name single-line text Apollo A contact's employer business name.
Primary Title single-line text Sales Development Representative A contact's most relevant job title.
Email email A contact's most relevant business email address.
Person LinkedIn Profile URL A web address for the contact's personal LinkedIn profile.
Is CRM Duplicate single-line text True A true/false indication of potential duplicate in the SFDC instance.
City single-line text San Francisco The contact's local business city.
State single-line text California The contact's local business state.
Country single-line text United States The contact's local business country.
First Phone phone (555) 123-4567 The contact's primary phone number.
Work Direct Phone phone (555) 123-4567 A contact's direct work phone number.
Corporate Phone phone (555) 123-4567 The employer's general company directory.
Home Phone phone (555) 123-4567 A contact's home landline phone number.
Mobile Phone phone (555) 123-4567 A contact's personal mobile phone number.
Account Phone phone (555) 123-4567 A phone number for the employer's corporate general directory.
Other Phone phone (555) 123-4567 Any other phone number not covered by these types.
Industry single-line text Software The broad business focus of the contact's employer.
Company Size number 400 Number of people employed by the contact's employer.
Company LinkedIn URL URL A web address for the employer's LinkedIn profile.
Keywords single-line text Time Tracking A sub category of the employer's primary business focus, calculated through SEO, social media tags, and the company description.
Technologies multi-line text Slack
The products in the employer's tech stack.
Num Languages number 2 A count of languages the employer uses to conduct business.
Languages multi-line text English
A list of languages the employer uses to conduct business.
Retail location Count number 5 A count of storefronts and other public-facing business locations.
Total Funding number 15000000 Size of the employer's raised capital.
Latest Funding Stage single-line text Series B The employer's latest received funding type.
Latest Funding Round Amount number 2000000 The monetary amount of the employer's latest received funding round.
Latest Funding Round Date single-line text 04/23/23 The date when the employer closed its latest funding round.
Revenue number 30000000 The employer's most recent annual revenue.
SEO Description single-line text Use Apollo to convert prospects into clients. Automate the sales process for your team.
Get the best all-in-one sales platform for your team.
The same description that a search engine uses.
Number of Active Jobs Openings number 15 A count of active job posts on the employer's LinkedIn page.
Sample Job Openings single-line text Executive Assistant, GTM A list of active job posts on the employer's LinkedIn page.
Company Street Address single-line text 535 Mission St The street address for the employer's primary headquarters.
Company City single-line text San Francisco The city where the employer's primary headquarters is located.
Company State single-line text California The US state where the employer's primary headquarters is located.
Company Country single-line text United States The country where the employer's primary headquarters is located.
Company Postal Code number 94103 The postal code where the employer's primary headquarters is located.
Founded number 2012 The employer's founding year.
Website URL URL A web address for the employer's website.
Recommendation Score number 6 To configure this score, launch Apollo and click SettingsScores.

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Map Default Account Fields

Refer to the following table for Apollo's recommendations on default account field mapping.

Name Value Type Example Description
Name single-line text Apollo A company's business name.
Website URL URL A web address for the company's website.
Company LinkedIn URL URL A web address for the company's LinkedIn profile.
Account Phone phone (555) 123-4567 A phone number to the corporate general directory.
Industry single-line text Software The company's broad business focus.
Company Size number 400 Number of people employed by the company.
Keywords multi-line text Time Tracking A sub category of the company's primary business focus, calculated through SEO, social media tags, and the company description.
Technologies multi-line text Gmail
The products in the company's tech stack.
Num Languages number 2 A count of languages the company uses to conduct business.
Languages multi-line text English
A list of languages the company uses to conduct business.
Retail Location Count number 3 A count of storefronts and other public-facing business locations.
Total Funding number 2000000 The total amount of capital raised by the company.
Latest Funding Stage single-line text Series A Latest received funding type.
Latest Funding Round Amount single-line text 100000 The amount of the most recent round of raised capital.
Revenue number 400000 The most recent total annual revenue.
Latest Funding Round Date single-line text 07/01/2016 The date when the company closed its latest funding round.
SEO Description multi-line text Apollo helps B2B sales teams find and win new business faster. The same description that a search engine uses.
Number of Active Jobs Openings number 6 A count of active job posts on the company's LinkedIn page.
Sample Job Openings multi-line text Software Engineer, Director of Sales A list of active job posts on the company's LinkedIn page.
Founded number 2004 The year when the company was founded.
Domain single-line text The primary web address for the company.
Company Street Address single-line text 101 Monthgomery St #400 The street address for the company's primary headquarters.
Company City single-line text San Francisco The city where the company's primary headquarters is located.
Company State single-line text California The US state where the employer's primary headquarters is located.
Company Country single-line text United States The country where the company's primary headquarters is located.
Company Postal Code number 94103 The postal code where the company's primary headquarters is located.
Recommendation Score number 6 To configure this score, launch Apollo and click SettingsScores.
Incredibly Enriching

For enrichment to work properly, your default fields mapping must provided Apollo with 2 key details:

1. Where to push the updated information.
2. Whether the information in your CRM is different from the information in Apollo.

For more information, check out CRM Enrichment Overview.

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Learn About Custom Fields

You've mapped default fields for Apollo and your CRM, but what about custom fields? Apollo has more information available to help you create custom contact fields and custom account fields.

If you have your custom fields created in Apollo, you can also create custom fields in Salesforce and HubSpot, and then link them to Apollo.

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