Access and Share Conversations

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


Conversations provide easy access to your team's video call recordings within Apollo, with AI-generated call summaries, the ability to comment and add emojis to recordings, and coaching tools like conversation scorecards and video playlists.

Check out the following details to find and view call recordings, access a variety of call insights, share recordings, and request feedback on conversations.

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Access and Share a Conversation

Video Recordings Only

These steps are for recordings of video meetings. To find your phone calls, check out Access, Manage, and Share Call Recordings.

To access and share a conversation:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Conversations to see the calls you and your team have recorded.
  2. Use filters to find a specific recording:

To search for conversations by title, enter any keywords from the meeting title. Then press enter to see all related recordings. Title Search Bar in Filters

To search for conversations that a specific person hosted or attended, enter their name or select them from the list. You can select multiple users.

Click the Host or Participant checkboxes to filter based on the user's role in the meeting.
User Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations that specific contacts attended, enter their name or choose someone from the list. You can select multiple contacts. User Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations that took place within a specific period, click From and To to select a date or timeframe. Date Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations based on the length of the calls, enter the minimum and maximum call length, then press enter. Duration Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations that participants from a specific company attended, enter a company name or choose one from the drop-down. You can select multiple companies. Company Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations based on trackers, click the checkboxes for the trackers you want to use. Trackers Drop-Down in Filters

To search for conversations based on the tags, enter a tag name or choose one from the list. Filter by tags.

  1. Click on a conversation to see the recording. You can play, rewind, fast forward, or adjust the playback speed.

    Below the recording, Apollo summarizes the participants' activity throughout a call. To move to a section of the recording where a specific participant speaks, click the participant's activity bar. You can leave comments or create clips of specific moments. When you create clips, you can share with team. Review created clips under Clips.

A conversation is highlighted

Who Said That?

For more participant information, click the Details tab. Apollo provides the names and titles of any saved contacts for the associated account. Click the account and contact links to access more detailed information about them.

  1. An AI-generated summary shares the conversation's outcome, next steps, and any objections.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Click Auto-draft email to automatically draft a follow-up email using AI.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Click Push to CRM to sync the meeting with your CRM.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Click Share to share the recording. You can share with your organization, specific people, or anyone who has the link After making your selection, click Copy link, then share the link.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Click Tags to add tags to the recording. Select an existing tag or create a new one. You can then use conversation filters to find recordings based on tags.

Tags button is highlighted

  1. Click Transcript to review the full recording transcript.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Click Trackers to view trackers associated with the conversation.
  2. Click Comments to view and leave comments.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

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Request Feedback on a Conversation

You can use conversations to grow and improve over time by requesting feedback from managers and sales leaders.

To request feedback on a conversation:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Conversations.
  2. Select your conversation.
  3. Click Scoring > Request score.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

  1. Select an evaluator and a scorecard template, then click Request.

Filter by scorecards and ratings.

The evaluator you selected will receive an email request to score your conversation.

To learn more about scoring conversations, check out Coach Teams with Conversations.

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