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Install the Apollo Chrome Extension
To install the Chrome extension:
- Go to the Chrome Web Store. Then, click Add to Chrome.
- Click Add extension.
- To confirm that the Apollo extension has been successfully installed, click the extension icon in your Chrome browser and find the Apollo logo.
Log In To Apollo
If you're logged in to Apollo in another Chrome tab, you're automatically logged in to that account in the Chrome extension.
To use the Chrome extension, you need to log in to your Apollo account. To log in:
- Click the Apollo extension from your browser. Then, click Log in.
- Log in to the extension with the same email and password that you use for Apollo, or use one of the single sign-on (SSO) options.
You are now ready to use the Chrome extension with your Apollo account.
Apollo also opens a new browser tab to provide a high-level walkthrough of the various ways that you can use the extension. Click Try it now to jump right into action with the extension, or click Learn More to visit in-depth Apollo learning resources.
Learn More About the Apollo Chrome Extension
You've added the Apollo extension to your Chrome browser. Now hop in to Apollo Chrome Extension Overview to start learning about all the various ways you can use the extension across LinkedIn, Gmail, and numerous corporate websites.
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