Deals Overview

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys

Deals help you to track sales opportunities with prospective customers so you can manage your entire sales pipeline directly within Apollo. Use deals to engage prospects in more meaningful ways, keep track of sale details and tasks in one place, and move deals to won faster.

You can associate deals with both companies and people, and you can sync deals with your CRM so everything is in parity.

Check out the following sections to set up and use deals.

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Set Up Deals


By default, only admin in Apollo can access or edit deals. If you're an Apollo admin and want to provide deal access to non-admin:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > Permission Profiles.
  2. Select a permission profile.

Access a user profile.

  1. Check Can access & view Deals data to allow non-admins to access deals. Review and adjust any other deal permissions, like the ability to delete deals or change deal ownership.

Add deals permissions for non-admins.

  1. When finished, click Save Changes.

Repeat to assign deal permissions to other people.

Next, create a deal pipeline.

[Back to Top](#top) Create a Deal Pipeline Deal pipelines are structured steps or stages that your team's deals must follow. To create a deal pipeline:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > Objects > Deals.
  2. Click Create Pipeline.

Create a new pipeline.

  1. Name your pipeline and click Save.
  2. Apollo provides standard deal stages. To add a stage, click Create stage.

Create stages.

  1. Name your stage and choose the deal type, probability, and forecast category. Then, click Add Stage. Repeat to add more stages.

Add stages.

  1. Click and drag a deal stage to change the order. To edit or remove a deal stage, click > Edit or Delete.

Your pipeline is ready to use. Next, configure your deal currency settings.

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By default, Apollo lists all deal values in US dollars (USD $). If your team prefers to use a different currency, you can change the default currency for deals. You can also set multiple currencies, so individual deals reflect the currencies required. With multiple currencies, set a company currency used for reporting purposes, so your deals automatically convert no matter the deal currency.

To change the currencies for deals:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > Objects > Deals.
  2. Click Currency, then select a new currency.

Select a default currency.

    1. Apollo updates the currency for Deals immediately. When you create a new deal, Apollo uses the default currency you selected.
Conversion Required

If you change the default currency, Apollo doesn't convert the value of your team's existing deals based on current exchange rates. For example, if the value of a deal is $50,000 USD, changing the default currency to Euros means Apollo lists the value as €50,000 EUR. Ensure that your team is ready to convert existing deal values before you switch default currencies.

  1. If your team requires different currencies across deals, toggle Multiple currencies to use multiple currencies.

Select a default currency.


If you have an active CRM integration like Salesforce or HubSpot, ensure multiple currencies are enabled in your CRM before you enable multiple currencies in Apollo to avoid syncing errors.

  1. Click Enable.
  2. Toggle on the currencies you want to make available to your team on deals.

Select a default currency.

  1. Click ... beside the currency that you want to set as your default company currency, then click Set as default. New deals will default to this currency, but existing deals will keep their existing currency and reflect an auto-converted company currency value.

Select a default currency.

  1. Click Confirm after reviewing the conversion rate. You can edit the conversion rate on individual deals later as well.

Select a default currency.

  1. You have now set multiple currencies and a company default currency. On deals with non-default currencies, you can view the converted company value.

Select a default currency.

You have now updated currencies for deals. Next, configure your deal fields.

Share the Power

If you're an Apollo admin and want to enable other people to change the default currency, edit their permission profiles. Check Can edit the default currency.

Customize Deal Form People with permission to create deals can do so on account profiles, on contact profiles, or on the Deals page. The process to create a deal is the same regardless of where you start from, but you can customize which fields appear to your team when creating new deals. To customize the fields on new deals:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Deals.
  2. Click + New Deal.
  3. Click Customize deal form.

Customize your deal form.

  1. Search for fields on the left, then check to add or remove them to new deals by default. Check Set as required to make a field required.

Customize your deal form.

Currency Field

If you're using multiple currencies for deals, enable the currency field on your deal form so teams can select the individual currency for their deal.

  1. Click and drag a field to change the order.

Sort the fields.

  1. Click Delete to remove a field from the deal creation form.

Remove a field from the form.

  1. When finished, click Save.

You have now configured the deal creation form for your team. You can edit these settings at any time.

With your deal settings configured, you're ready to create and manage deals.

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Create a Deal

To create a deal:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Deals.
  2. Click + New Deal and enter the information for the required fields, like deal name, stage, account, currency, and amount.
  3. When finished, click Save.

Select a default currency.

You have now created a deal.

Tell Me More

Check out Create a Deal to learn more, including how to keep track of your deal action items with tasks.

Next, access and manage deals.

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Access and Manage Deals

To access deals:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Deals.
  2. Review your team's deals.

Use table view.

Learn more about how to access and manage deals.

Report on Deals

Use deal analytics on Apollo for at-a-glance insights into your sales pipeline health.

To report on deals:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Deals > Stats.

The Stats button is highlighted

  1. Click the date range to change the time on the report, then click Apply filter.

The Stats button is highlighted

Apollo automatically updates the analytics widgets based on the filters you choose.

Learn more about deal analytics.

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CRM Integrations and Deals

If you use the Salesforce integration with Apollo, Apollo uses the opportunity stages configured in Salesforce for your deals stages. Apollo automatically deactivates the creation of new deal stages because it's not possible to create or update opportunity stages through Salesforce API. Check out Map Apollo Deals to Salesforce Opportunities for help mapping Salesforce fields to your Apollo deals.

If you use the HubSpot integration with Apollo, you can create parity between deals in Apollo and HubSpot without tool switching. During deals onboarding, select which pipelines and associated deals you want synced. Apollo then automatically syncs your deals from HubSpot as well as syncs any deal updates you make in Apollo in real-time to HubSpot. You can also edit synced pipelines after onboarding to deactivate deals sync for specific pipelines. Apollo uses the opportunity stages in HubSpot for your deals stages, and automatically deactivates the creation of new deal stages in Apollo.

To use the HubSpot integration with deals, connect HubSpot, configure push and pull settings, and then map deal fields. This integration doesn’t support forecasting, revenue models, or dependency / conditional logic in HubSpot.

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