Use Stage Triggers in a Sequence

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


Stage triggers in sequences automatically change the stage of a contact or account based on conditions you set. For example, you can set a trigger to change a contact's stage to approaching when your email is delivered, and then to replied when the contact replies.

Check out the following sections to create and edit sequence stage triggers.

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Create a Stage Trigger

To create contact or account triggers:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > Objects > Contact or Account > Triggers.
  2. Apollo displays different conditions for when a contact or account's stage should change to a selected stage. Use the dropdown to map new stage changes for each calls or email condition. You can review all of the available conditions below.

Email trigger is shown

Sweet Dispositions

Call triggers are based on the call dispositions you have set up. Check out Call Dispositions to learn more. Call triggers are only available on contacts.

  1. When finished, click Save.
Account Exclusions

You can use account stage exclusions to define the account stages you always want to exclude from data requests for new prospects. Select one or more stages to warn the team if they try to prospect from the stage.

Email trigger is shown

You have now edited stage triggers.

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Trigger Conditions

You can create the following trigger condition types:

Email Trigger Conditions

Email trigger conditions are available for contacts. Your success metrics may differ, but these are the recommended settings:

Trigger Condition Recommended Stage
Prospect created The initial stage for contacts when you add them to your Apollo Account. This is generally done with lead requests, CSV uploads, or integration with your CRM. Cold
Email Delivered A contact receives an email. This is only delivery, and not to whether or not the email is opened. Approaching
Email Bounced An email to the contact bounces. Bad data or no email
Prospect Unsubscribed A contact opts out of email contact. This happens if you turn on unsubscribe links in your emails. Do not contact

This stage should always be set to do not contact.
Prospect Replied A contact responds to an email you sent. Replied
Appointment or Email Marked as Interested You book a meeting with a contact or they're marked as interested in a sequence. Interested
Unresponsive A contact doesn't respond, but you may want to reach out to them again later. Unresponsive

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Call Trigger Conditions

Call trigger conditions are available for contacts.

In addition to the conditions above, any call dispositions you configure can also be used as trigger stages.

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Account Trigger Conditions

There is only one account trigger condition: "When an account is created."

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