Configure Your Unsubscribe Email Link

Article author
Sarah Malone


You can create a custom unsubscribe link that Apollo automatically appends after your email signature in every email you send from an Apollo sequence.

Follow the steps below to configure your unsubscribe link, and include one-click unsubscribe headers in your emails.

Top Deliverability Tips

Adding unsubscribe links and one-click unsubscribe headers in your mail is just one part of the magic, spam-free potion. For more tips and best practices to keep your mail out of the spam folder, please refer to the Avoid Spam Filters article, the Email Deliverability checklist, and the Why Your emails Land in Spam webinar.

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Configure Your Unsubscribe Link

To configure an unsubscribe link:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings.
  2. In the "Email Settings" panel of the General tab, click the toggle for Append the following opt-out message after my signature in sequences. Toggle
  3. Customize your opt-out message with the copy and links you want to include. Make sure you add <%brackets%></%brackets%> between the words that you want Apollo to hyperlink with the unsubscribe link. Message
  4. When you're finished, click Save. Apollo then works its magic on the back end to generate your unsubscribe link. Save
47 Days Before the Link Bites the Dust!

Please note, the unsubscribe link that Apollo attaches to your emails expires 47 days after you send an email. If a contact attempts to click the link after 47 days, the URL will not be valid.

You have now enabled an opt-out message and unsubscribe link that Apollo automatically includes below your email signature in every email you send to contacts via your Apollo sequences.

Other Unsubscribe Options

If you prefer to keep this option disabled, you can also place an unsubscribe link in your signature or the body of an email template. Just make sure you include the {{opt_out_message}} dynamic variable wherever you put it.

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Visualize the Unsubscribe Workflow for Recipients

When recipients click an unsubscribe link in your emails, Apollo directs them to an unsubscribe landing page. From here, recipients can then choose to continue and unsubscribe or to stay subscribed to your emails.

Unsubscribe landing page

If they click Unsubscribe, Apollo prompts them to provide more feedback on why they unsubscribed from your emails. Apollo then automatically removes the recipient from future steps in any sequences you've added them to. If you try to enroll a contact into a sequence after they unsubscribe, Apollo warns you that the contact has opted out of receiving your emails and prevents you from adding them to the sequence.

Recipients also have the chance to resubscribe from the landing page.

Unsubscribe feedback

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Include One-Click Unsubscribe Headers in Your Emails

To prevent mailbox providers like Gmail from treating your emails as spam, Apollo strongly recommends you enable one-click unsubscribe headers in all emails you send via the mailboxes you've connected to Apollo. This makes it easy for a recipient to opt out if they no longer want to receive your messages. It also ensures you remain compliant with Google and Yahoo's email policies if you send large volumes of emails as part of your sales outreach strategy.

Top Deliverability Tips

Please note, this feature is currently only available for Gmail, SendGrid, and Mailgun users.

As a best practice, Apollo still recommends that you include an unsubscribe link in your signature or the body of your email as well as in the email header.

To turn on one-click unsubscribe headers in Apollo:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > You.
  2. From the General tab, enable the one-click unsubscribe headers toggle in the Email Settings section of the General tab. One-click toggle
  3. When you enable the toggle, Apollo adds the one-click unsubscribe code to your headers and Google reviews the snippet. Once Google approves, the unsubscribe link appears in your email headers when you send emails via mailboxes connected to Apollo.

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