Prospect with Personal and Business Emails

Article author
Brandan Blevins


Apollo categorizes emails into 2 types:

  • Business: The email address that a contact uses specifically for work purposes. For example:
  • Personal: The email address that a contact uses for private affairs outside of working hours. For example:

By default, Apollo sets your primary email to a business email address. However, factors such as your industry, ideal customer profiles, and campaign objectives often dictate the type of email address that best fits your prospecting needs. For example, if you are in the recruiting industry, you are more likely to need a contact's personal email. If you sell to a B2B market, you are more likely to engage with a contact through their business email.

GDPR Has the Last Word!

You can't access the personal emails of contacts from the EU, UK, and Switzerland due to GDPR restrictions. Keep calm and keep compliant.

Refer to the sections below to find out how to change your primary email type and how to access a contact's personal email when you use Apollo's search.

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Change Your Primary Email Type

Admins Only

You need admin access to change your primary email type. Reach out to your team's Apollo admin to update these settings.

If you are an admin, you can change your primary email at any time. However, Apollo only applies the new primary email type to the net new contacts that you request. Apollo does not change the primary email for any existing saved contacts. This means you can change your email type without disrupting the contacts that you already enrolled in a sequence.

Map It Out!

If you integrated your Apollo account with Salesforce or HubSpot, carefully consider which email type you set as primary. Apollo uses the primary email address when mapping a contact’s data to your CRM. Apollo cannot map secondary emails to a CRM.

To change your primary email:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Settings > Prospecting > Configuration.
  2. Find the Primary Email Address section. Here, you have 3 options: Business, Personal, or Any.
  3. Click the email type that you want to set as primary, then click Save.

Primary email address settings highlighted

Emails Galore!

If you select Any, Apollo still sets a contact's business email as the default. However, if Apollo finds both business and personal emails for a contact, you receive both. In this scenario, Apollo only charges you 1 credit for the 2 emails.

For more information about email credit charges, refer to Will Apollo Charge Me For More than One Email Per Contact?.

You have now updated your primary email. It can take up to 10 minutes for your changes to reflect in your prospecting system.

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Change Your Primary Email Type in the Apollo Chrome Extension

You can also change your primary email type directly within the Chrome extension. To do so:

  1. Open the Chrome extension icon on the right side of a website, then click the Settings icon. Access extension settings.
  2. Access the Settings tab. Then, select an option from the Primary Email drop-down. Choose your primary email.

You have now updated your primary email from within the Chrome extension.

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Access a Contact's Personal Email

If you set your primary email as Personal or Any, you can access all verified email addresses for a contact for 1 credit. Assuming Apollo finds a contact's verified personal email address, you can view it from that contact's profile page.

We Have Priorities!

When you add a contact to a sequence, Apollo always uses the primary email address. Apollo only displays the secondary email if it can find a verified primary email.

To access email addresses for a contact:

  1. Launch Apollo and click People.
  2. Click Net New, then apply filters to refine your search.

Apply Filters

  1. Click Access email to access a contact's email. Apollo searches for the primary email type you configured in Settings.

Access email button highlighted

  1. Apollo displays a verified email for your selected contact if found. Hover over the located email to see additional details. If Apollo doesn't find a verified email, no new data appears.

New email displayed

Let's Get Personal!

If you set your primary email as Personal and Apollo can only find a verified business email for a given contact, Apollo does not save the business email or charge you any credits.

If you set your primary email as Any, Apollo prioritizes a verified business email, but also displays the verified personal email on the contact's profile page. Apollo only charges 1 credit per contact and displays all the verified email addresses it finds.

For more information, refer to Will Apollo Charge Me for More Than One Email per Contact?.


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