Create and Edit Snippets

Article author
Sarah Malone


Snippets make it easy for you to create engaging, high-performing emails at scale. They also allow your team to collaborate with ease and share quality messaging that converts. When you use snippets in Apollo, you can piece together the best parts of different emails and personalize your approach without friction to drive more success from your sequences.

Refer to the sections below for more information about how to create and edit snippets, as well as how to load existing snippets in your Apollo sequences.

Permission to Snip!

Please note, if you are an Apollo admin you can leverage permission settings to control which team members can add and edit snippets. For further information, please refer to the Sequence and Emails section of the "Create Permission Profiles" article.

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Create a Snippet

Launch Apollo and click Settings > Snippets > Create New Snippet.

Create new snippet button on snippets page

You can either customize a prebuilt snippet or create a new one from scratch.

Customize a Prebuilt Snippet

To use a prebuilt snippet, click the Prebuilt icon.

Prebuilt icon in the create snippet modal

Browse through the snippets on the left and click the one that you want to use. Then, click Create and customize.

Create and customize button on the snippets page

In the Edit snippet modal, change the name of your snippet and add descriptive tags so you can find it later.

Name and tag fields in the edit snippet modal

If you have a large team, you may also want to assign the snippet to a specific folder to help keep your snippets organized.

To do so, click Browse. Then, select the folder to which you want to assign the snippet.

Browse button in the edit snippet modal

To create a new folder, click New folder.

New folder button in the browse folder modal

Give the new folder a name and then click Save.

Save button in the new folder modal

In the select folder drop-down, click the new folder that you created and then click X.

X button in folder modal

Then, click the Owner drop-down and select the owner of the snippet.

Owner drop-down in edit snippet modal

Edit the content as you see fit. Apollo displays the changes you make in the snippet preview on the right.

Preview snippet block on the right of the screen

You can also use the icons below the Body text box to further personalize your snippets.

Icons below body text box

Click the respective icons to reformat the snippet text, insert links, add images or Vidyard videos, include dynamic variables, or even add other snippets into this one and customize them further.

If you want to save this snippet to your favorites, click the star icon.

Star icon in edit snippet modal

When you have finished editing the prebuilt snippet, click Save.

Save button in edit snippet modal

You have now customized a prebuilt snippet.

Fear not, there's always a way out!

If you change your mind while editing and want to discard your changes, click Cancel.

Cancel button in edit snippet modal

Then, click Yes, discard in the Discard unsaved changes modal to confirm your choice.

Yes, discard button in the discard unsaved changes modal

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Create a New Snippet

To create a snippet from scratch, click the New Snippet icon.

New snippet box in the new snippet icon

In the New snippet modal, give your snippet a name, add descriptive tags, and assign it to a specific folder so you can find it later with ease.

Name, tags, and folder fields in the new snippet modal

Click the Owner drop-down to change the default owner.

Owner field in the new snippet modal

Then, use the Body text box to add your content. You can also use the icons below the text box to further personalize your snippets.

Body and icons in the new snippet modal

When you have finished, click Save.

Save button in the new snippet modal

You have now created a new snippet.

The Sky's the Limit!

Please note, you can add as many new snippets as you like. Click the + Create new snippet button on the Snippets tab and repeat the process at any time to create more snippets.

Create new snippet button on the snippets page

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Clone an Existing Snippet

Once you have created your first snippets, you will also have the option to clone an existing snippet.

Launch Apollo and click Settings > Snippets > Create New Snippet.

Create new snippet button on snippets page

Then, click the Clone icon in the Create a Snippet modal.

Clone box in the create snippet modal

Use the search bar to find the snippet that you want to clone. Then, click the snippet and click Clone.

Clone button in the choose a snippet to clone modal

Edit the name, tag, folder, owner, and body fields as needed. Then, click Save.

Save button in edit snippet modal

You have now cloned an existing snippet.

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Edit a Snippet

Launch Apollo and click Settings > Snippets. Then, click the snippet that you want to edit.

Snippet on the snippets page

Make any changes you see fit to the name, owner, tags, location, and content of the snippet. Apollo displays the content changes you make in the snippet preview on the right. When you have finished, click Save.

Save icon in the edit snippet modal

You have now edited an existing snippet.

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Leverage the Snippets Page

Launch Apollo and click Settings > Snippets. From here, you can take several additional actions:

  • To search for a specific snippet with ease, click the Filters icon and apply the filters on the left side of your screen. Filters icon on snippets page
  • To add a snippet to your favorites, click the star icon on the left of a snippet's name. Click the star again to remove it from your favorites. Star icon on the left of a snippet
  • To add or remove tags from a snippet, click the checkbox(es) of the snippet(s) to which you want to add tags. Then, click the tag icon and click add tags or remove tags respectively. Tag drop-down on the snippets page
  • To move snippets to a different folder, click the checkbox(es) on the left of the snippet(s) that you want to move. Then, click the Folder icon. Folder icon on the snippets page
  • To export snippets to a CSV file, click the checkboxes on the left of the snippets that you want to export. Then, click the Export icon. Export button on the snippets page
  • To delete a snippet, click the additional options (...) button on the right of the snippet that you want to delete. Then, click Delete. Delete button in the additional options drop-down Click Delete again in the Confirm delete modal. Confirm delete modal
  • When you click the additional options (...) button on the right of a snippet, you can also choose to add or remove the snippet from your favorites, clone it, or move it to another folder. Additional options button on the snippets page
  • To sort your snippets by name or date, click the Sort by drop-down, choose your preferred order, and then click Apply. Sort by drop-down on the snippets page

You have now leveraged the snippets tab in Apollo.

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Load or Create a Snippet from a Sequence

You can also load, create, and edit snippets directly from within a sequence.

Launch Apollo and click Sequences. Then, click the name of the sequence to which you want to add a snippet.

A sequence on the sequences page

Click on an existing email or click Add Step and then follow the instructions in this section of the "Create and Edit Email Templates" article to create a new template.

Steps within a sequence

Click the snippet icon in the email template modal.

Snippet icon in the email template modal

If you want to load and edit an existing snippet, browse the Recent, Favorites, and All snippets tabs to find the snippet that you want to add. Then, click the snippet of your choice and Apollo adds it to the email.

Snippets modal in an email template

From here, you can then make any edits if you want to further personalize the snippet for the specific contacts in that sequence.

Snippet added to email template

If you want to create a new snippet, click the snippet icon in the email template modal. Then, click + Create new.

The Create new button in the snippet modal

Apollo opens the New Snippet modal in another tab. Follow the instructions in the Create a New Snippet section above. When you have created the new snippet, return to the other open tab. Then, click the snippet icon to close and reopen the snippet modal. Apollo refreshes the modal and displays the new snippet you just created. Click on it to add the snippet to your email.

Snippet modal with new snippets to choose from

If you want to configure your snippets, click Configure in the email template modal.

Configure button in the snippets modal

Apollo opens the snippets page in another tab. Follow the instructions in the Leverage the Snippets page section above to configure your existing snippets.

You have now loaded and created snippets from within a sequence.

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