Create a Task

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


You can create tasks in Apollo sequences for manual tasks like phone calls, follow-up emails, and action items. Each task reminds you of the manual steps you need to take once the parameters—a timeframe or engagement criterion—are met.

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Create Tasks in Apollo

Automatically Create Tasks With Trigger Events

Trigger events automatically create a task when a contact reaches certain engagement criterion. From your chosen sequence, click Settings.


Scroll to the "Triggers" section.


Click the checkbox for Create a phone call task if an active contact opens an email at least [ # ] times. Set the number of email opens you would like.


Click Save Changes at the top of the "Settings" page.


Changing Trigger Settings

Please note, you can change the criteria for trigger events or disengage them at any time.

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Create Tasks in a Sequence

Create a Sequences

For more information about how to create a sequence, please see the Create a Sequence article.

From your chosen sequence, click More to access the drop-down and then click Add Step.

Add Step

Click the drop-down to choose the type of step.

Step Type

In the "Wait for:" text box, define the amount of time that Apollo should wait before it reminds you of your task after you have activated the sequence.

Time Frame

Click the drop-down to choose a priority.


Add optional notes as a contextual reminder for the task.


Click Add.


You have successfully added a manual task to your sequence.

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Create Tasks for a Single Contact

Launch Apollo, hover your mouse over Engage in the navbar, and then click Tasks.


Click New Task.

New Task

In the "New Task" modal, select a contact you want to create a task for with the Contacts: drop-down.

Task Contact

Use the Task: drop-down to select the task type you want to create.

Task Drop-down

Fill out the details of your task, such as date and time, priority, and any notes you want to include.


Click Create to create your finished task.


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Create Tasks for Multiple Contacts

You can also create a task that involves multiple contacts in your sequence. From your chosen sequence, click Contacts.


Use the checkboxes to select the contacts you want to use in your task.

Select Contacts

Click the additional options button (...) and then click Create Tasks.

Create Tasks

Use the Task: drop-down to select the task type you want to create.

Task Drop-down

Fill out the details of your task, such as date and time, priority, and any notes you want to include.


Click Create to create your finished task.


What a Beautiful View

Learn how to save and customize search views in Tasks so you can search for your tasks more quickly.

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