Apollo Chrome Extension Overview

Article author
Brandan Blevins


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The Apollo Chrome extension unlocks Apollo functionality in many of the tools that you use every day, including LinkedIn, Gmail, Salesforce, HubSpot, as well as many of the major brand websites across the internet.

Hop on the Apollo Bandwagon

You must first install the Apollo Chrome extension to use in-app Apollo functionality. Refer to Download and Install the Apollo Chrome Extension for additional details.

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When you use LinkedIn, the Chrome extension enables you to find new prospects with verified data, such as direct mobile numbers and email addresses. You can add these contacts to lists and sequences that you've built in Apollo. You can also stay on top of job changes with alerts and update your contacts directly.

You can prospect contact data on an individual's LinkedIn profile page and on a company's "People" page.

Prospect in LinkedIn

For additional information about how to search for and save contacts on LinkedIn, refer to Prospect in LinkedIn.

With the Chrome extension installed, use the extension in LinkedIn to:

  • View all the available information that Apollo has about a contact.
  • Request a contact's email address and save it to their profile in Apollo.
  • Email a contact directly through the LinkedIn widget.
  • Request a contact's mobile number.
  • Make a phone call through Apollo.
  • Edit a contact's information stored in Apollo from the LinkedIn widget.
  • Add a saved contact directly to a list or sequence.
Stay Compliant

Apollo does not currently apply GDPR safeguard controls to EU or UK contacts from the Apollo Chrome Extension. As a result, Apollo strongly recommends that you use caution and double-check a prospect's location on LinkedIn when prospecting contacts from the extension. Make sure you stay GDPR compliant before you enroll them in your multichannel outreach strategy.

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The Chrome extension adds new tools to your Gmail mailbox.

Gmail Functionality

Once you have installed the Chrome extension, you can:

  • Track individual emails.
  • Receive real-time desktop notifications while you use the Chrome browser.
  • Set nudges to remind yourself to follow up on emails.
  • Use Apollo email templates and snippets natively in your emails.
  • Automatically create email folders to keep track of all of your recently opened, tracked, and nudge emails.
  • Add meeting links to emails that prospects can use to schedule meetings with you.

If you've also linked Salesforce to your Apollo account, you can use the following features in your Gmail mailbox:

  • Log all outgoing emails to Salesforce by default.
  • Automatically associate and log emails to the most recent Salesforce opportunity tied to the company of the person you are emailing.

For more information about the Apollo features you can unlock in Gmail, refer to the Use the Apollo Chrome Extension in Gmail.

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Google Calendar

The Chrome extension gives you access to information about potential clients directly in Google Calendar.

Google Calendar

For more information on how to use this option, refer to Use the Apollo Chrome Extension in Google Calendar.


The Chrome extension works natively in Salesforce to unlock additional functionality and usability features.

Salesforce and the Chrome Extension

For more information about connecting Salesforce to your Apollo account, refer to Connect and Configure Salesforce.

With the Chrome extension installed, you can:

  • View any contact or account in Salesforce and use the Apollo extension to automatically view their full Apollo profile.
  • Add contacts directly from Salesforce to Apollo lists and sequences.
  • Create and/or log new tasks.
  • Assign and/or complete calls.
  • Utilize one-click shortcuts to view account, lead, or contact profiles in the Apollo sidebar, or call any phone number listed in Salesforce via the Apollo web dialer without leaving the page.
  • Search for leads/contacts, and create a lead or contact in Salesforce for anyone who emails you in Gmail.
Always One Step Ahead

When you install the Chrome extension and connect your Salesforce account to Apollo, Apollo logs outgoing emails to the most recently updated Salesforce opportunity for that account.

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Use the Chrome extension natively in HubSpot to streamline your prospecting workflow between the 2 platforms.

One Step at a Time

Yet to integrate HubSpot with Apollo? You need to connect your accounts before you can start freestyling with the extension in HubSpot. Head to the integrations page to get set up. If you need more information before setting up the integration, hop into Connect Apollo to Your HubSpot Account.

You can access Apollo elements within HubSpot to:

  • View any contacts in HubSpot and use the Apollo extension to automatically see their full Apollo profile.
  • Add your HubSpot contacts directly to Apollo lists and sequences.
  • Create and log new tasks.
  • Assign and complete calls.
  • Utilize one-click shortcuts to view contact profiles in the Apollo sidebar or call any phone number listed in HubSpot via the Apollo web dialer without leaving the page.
  • Search for and create contacts in HubSpot for anyone who emails you in Gmail.

HubSpot Company Page

Seize the Opportunity!

When you download the Chrome extension and connect your HubSpot account to Apollo, Apollo logs outgoing emails to the most recently updated HubSpot opportunity for that account.

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All Websites

By default, the Chrome extension provides access to Apollo insights on most company websites. To learn more about how to use the extension across the web, check out Use the Apollo Chrome Extension Across All Websites.

Use the Apollo extension on company websites.

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