Use Analytics Reports

Article author
Dustin Nathaniel Keys


Apollo analytics offers actionable data you can use to transform your company's sales efforts. With analytics reports, you can dig into the details to see how your teams, contacts, accounts, and sales pipelines are performing. Use reports to provide feedback, hone your processes, and iterate on the best performing prospecting and outreach methods.

It's in the Plan

Access to analytics depends on your Apollo plan. If your team needs access to analytics reports, upgrade your plan. If you have questions about upgrading, reach out to the Apollo sales team.

Check out the following sections to access and use analytics reports.

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Access Reports

Permission Required

To use reports, you need permission to access analytics. If you don't have permission, reach out to an Apollo admin who can edit your permission profile.

To access reports:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Analytics > Reports.
  2. Apollo shares your reports, organized by default by creation date.

Reports View

  1. Use search filters like owners or folders to find specific reports or click Created by Apollo to access pre-built, ready-to-use reports. Click to open a report.
Created by Apollo

Learn more about the reports built by Apollo.

Created by Apollo

  1. Use the date range dropdown to filter for report metrics by one of the following ranges:
    • Today
    • Current Week
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • All Time
    • Custom Range

Date range

  1. Click Add filter to filter your report metrics by user, contact, account, deals, and more. Use the dropdown to set your filter criteria. Click Remove filter to delete a filter.

Report filters highlighted

  1. The report automatically displays metrics based on the date range and filters you applied.

You have now accessed analytics reports.

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Use Pre-Built Apollo Reports

You can use the following reports created by Apollo. Click a report to learn more:

Reports built by Apollo

Prospecting call performance funnel Prospecting email performance funnel Accounts prospected by user
Contacts prospected by user Prospecting activity stats # Meetings scheduled
# Meetings scheduled by meeting type # Meetings cancelled # Meetings rescheduled
Call funnel Call activity by week Reps with most effective calls
Most effective call sequences Most effective call sequence step Most engaged personas with calls
Most engaged contact titles with calls Most engaged company sizes with calls Most engaged industries with calls
Email funnel Email activity by week Reps with most effective emails
Most effective email sequences Most effective email sequence step Most effective email templates
Most engaged contact titles with emails Most engaged company sizes with emails Most engaged industries with emails
Website visitor daily volume trend Top 10 companies that visited you Top 10 pages visited
Number of deals by month Deal weighted value by month Deals conversion as percentage
Number of deals by deal stage and user Deal win rate by company size Team calls & emails activity this week by user
Team prospecting activity this week by user Targeted and reached personas Targeted and reached contact titles
Targeted and reached company sizes Tasks by user by status Deliverability by user
Top 5 sequences used Top 5 used email templates Most used email templates
Team activity Team activity report - chart Percentage of emails marked interested by rep
High performing sequences Low performing sequences Call stats
Rep calls with positive outcome This week's call stats Last week's call stats
Email stats This week's email stats Last week's email stats
Sales stats # of contacts added to sequences this week My scheduled emails
How many calls have we made this week? Which industries are we reaching out to? Which sequences are we using the most?

Prospecting call performance funnel

This report shares your call funnel performance, with each column on the visualization representing the amount and percentage of contacts that moved from the prior status. The report table shares number of contacts, number of contacts called, number of calls connected, and number of calls connected positive.

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Prospecting email performance funnel

This reports shares your email funnel performance, with each column on the visualization representing the amount and percentage of contacts that moved from the prior status. The report table shares number of contacts, number of contacts called, number of emails replied, and number of emails replied interested.

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Accounts prospected by user

This report shares account touches, account emails, and account stage changes by user.

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Contacts prospected by user

This report shares contacts touched, added to sequences, emailed, and changed stage by user.

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Prospecting activity stats

This report shares accounts touched, contacts added to sequences, and contacts changed stage by day over time.

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# Meetings scheduled

This report shares the number of meetings scheduled in Apollo.

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# Meetings scheduled by meeting type

This report shares the number of meetings scheduled in Apollo by meeting type.

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# Meetings cancelled

This report shares the number of meetings cancelled in Apollo.

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# Meetings rescheduled

This report shares the number of meetings rescheduled in Apollo.

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Call funnel

This report shares your call funnel for the current week, with number of calls scheduled, completed, logged, connected, and connected positive.

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Call activity by week

This report shares your call activity by week, with number of calls logged, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive.

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Reps with most effective calls

This report shares your team members with the most effective calls by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive.

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Most effective call sequences

This report shares your most effective call sequences by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive.

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Most effective call sequence step

This report shares your most effective call sequence step position by number of calls dialed, and percentage of calls connected and connected positive.

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Most engaged personas with calls

This report shares the personas most engaged with your team's calls by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged contact titles with calls

This report shares the contact titles most engaged with your team's calls by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged company sizes with calls

This report shares the company sizes most engaged with your team's calls by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive. Use this report to hone in on the types of companies most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged industries with calls

This report shares the industries most engaged with your team's calls by number of calls dialed, connected, and connected positive, as well as the percentage of calls connected and connected positive. Use this report to hone in on the types of companies most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Email funnel

This report shares your email funnel for the current week, with number of emails delivered, opened, clicked, replied, and interested.

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Email activity by week

This report shares your email activity by week, with number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested.

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Reps with most effective emails

This report shares your team members with the most effective emails by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested.

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Most effective email sequences

This report shares your most effective email sequences by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested.

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Most effective email sequence step

This report shares your most effective email sequence step position by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested.

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Most effective email templates

This report shares your most effective email templates by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested.

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Most engaged personas with emails

This report shares the personas most engaged with your team's emails by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged contact titles with emails

This report shares the contact titles most engaged with your team's calls by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged company sizes with emails

This report shares the company sizes most engaged with your team's calls by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Most engaged industries with emails

This report shares the industries most engaged with your team's calls by number of emails sent and interested, as well as percentage of emails opened, replied, and interested. Use this report to hone in on the types of people most likely to engage with your outreach.

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Website visitor daily volume trend

First Things First

To report on website visitor trends, enable website visitor tracking.

Website visitor data is refreshed every 7 days.

This report shares the daily number of visitors to your website.

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Top 10 companies that visited you

First Things First

To report on website visitor trends, enable website visitor tracking.

Website visitor data is refreshed every 7 days.

This report shares the top ten companies that visited your websites, with the number of visitors per company.

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Top 10 pages visited

First Things First

To report on website visitor trends, enable website visitor tracking.

Website visitor data is refreshed every 7 days.

This report shares the top ten pages visited with number of visitors by page URL.

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Number of deals by month

This report shows the number of deals by month. Use this report for insights into monthly deal revenue.

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Deal weighted value by month

This report shows the deals forecast revenue by month. Use this widget for insights into monthly deal revenue.

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Deals conversion as percentage

This report shows the percentage of deals that originated in your pipeline stages. Use this report to ensure deals are flowing through each stage of your deal pipeline as expected.

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Number of deals by deal stage and user

This report shows the number of deals by deal stage per user. Use this widget to review deal status across your team.

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Deal win rate by company size

This report shows the percentage of deals win rates by company employee size. Use this widget to hone in on the types of companies most receptive to your product or service.

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Team calls & emails activity this week by user

This report shows the number of emails sent, calls completed, and tasks completed by user by week.

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Team prospecting activity this week by user

This report shares the number of accounts and contacts touched, and the number of contacts added to sequences by user.

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Targeted and reached personas

This report shows the number of emails sent, calls dialed, contacts added to sequences, and contacts touched by persona. Use this report to review the types of people being engaged by your team.

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Targeted and reached contact titles

This report shares the number of emails sent, calls dialed, contacts added to sequences, and contacts touched by contact titles.

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Targeted and reached company sizes

This report shares the number of emails sent, calls dialed, contacts added to sequences, and contacts touched by company sizes.

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Tasks by user by status

This report shows the number of tasks by user that are scheduled, completed, skipped, and overdue.

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Deliverability by user

This report shows email deliverability by user. Use this report to maintain deliverability across your mailboxes and teams.

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Top 5 sequences used

This report shows the top 5 sequences used by number of emails scheduled and sent, and calls dialed.

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Top 5 used email templates

This report shows the top 5 email templates used in sequences by number of emails sent.

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Most used email templates

This report shows the most used email templates in sequences by number of emails sent.

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Team activity

This report shows the number of accounts touched, contacts touched, contacts added to sequences, emails sent, and calls dialed by user.

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Team activity report - chart

This report shows the number of emails sent, opened, replied, interested, and calls dialed and connected by user.

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Percentage of emails marked interested by rep

This report shows the percentage of emails marked as interested by user. Use this report to spot anomalies or bottlenecks on your team.

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High performing sequences

This report shows your highest performing sequences by the number of emails sent and percentage of emails interested.

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Low performing sequences

This report shows your lowest performing sequences by the number of emails sent and percentage of emails interested.

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Call stats

This report shows the number of calls completed, logged, connected, connected positive, and average call duration in seconds by day.

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Rep calls with positive outcome

This report shows users and the percentage of their calls that connected positive.

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This week's call stats

This report shows the number of calls dialed and connected, as well as the percentage of calls connected, in the current week.

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Last week's call stats

This report shows the number of calls dialed and connected, as well as the percentage of calls connected, in the previous week.

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Email stats

This report shows the number of emails sent, emails opened, emails replied, and percentage of emails spam blocked by day.

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This week's email stats

This report shows the number of emails sent, opened, and replied, as well as the percentage of emails opened and replied in the current week.

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Last week's email stats

This report shows the number of emails sent, opened, and replied, as well as the percentage of emails opened and replied in the previous week.

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Sales stats

This report shows the number of accounts touched, contacts added to sequences, email sent, calls logged, and tasks completed by day.

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# of contacts added to sequences this week

This report shows the number of contacts added to sequences this week by user.

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My scheduled emails

This report shows the number of your scheduled emails by day of week.

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How many calls have we made this week?

This report shows the number of calls dialed and connected positive by user in the current week.

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Which industries are we reaching out to?

This report shows the number of emails sent, calls dialed, contacts added to sequences, and contacts touched by company industry.

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Which sequences are we using the most?

This report shows the sequences with the highest usage by number of emails scheduled, emails sent, and calls dialed.

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Create a Custom Report

It's in the Plan

Some Apollo plans include access to custom reports and dashboards. If your team needs to create a custom report, upgrade your plan. If you have questions about upgrading, reach out to the Apollo sales team.

To create a custom report:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Analytics > Reports. Click Create report.

Example report

  1. Click the report title to rename your custom report.

Title naming for new custom report

  1. Select a chart visualization type from one of the following options:
    • Table
    • Column
    • Bar
    • Line
    • Area
    • Pie
    • Heatmap

Report visualization type options

  1. Use the dropdown to select at least 1 metric for your report. Metrics represent the items you want to learn more about, like the number of calls connected or the percentage of emails replied. Click Add metric to include additional metrics in your report. Click Delete to remove a metric from your report.

Custom report metric setup

Metrics Manual

Check out the metrics glossary for details on all of the available metrics in Apollo analytics.

  1. Under Group by, use the dropdown to add at least 1 dimension to your report. Dimensions are how Apollo splices the data from the metrics you select. Click Add group by to include additional dimensions in your report, or click Delete to remove a dimension.

Group by dimension added to custom report

  1. As you add metrics and dimensions, Apollo displays a preview of your custom report visualization and a table with a more granular review of your report's metrics. You can toggle to review the visualization or table views individually.

Custom report visualization and table view options

  1. When you're done, click Save report.

Save report button highlighted You've now created a report and can access it from the list in Reports or add it to a custom analytics dashboard.

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Metrics Glossary

You can use the following metrics with Apollo analytics:


Most popular metrics

# emails sent The total number of emails delivered or bounced.
# calls logged The total number of outbound calls.
# calls connected The total number of calls connected.
# emails replied The total number of emails replied.
# calls completed The total number of calls completed.
# emails opened The total number of emails opened.
# contacts added to sequence The total number of contacts added to sequences.
# emails interested The total number of emails marked interested.
# accounts touched The total number of unique accounts touched via phone or email.
% calls connected The percentage of calls successfully connected out of the total number of calls logged.
% emails opened The percentage of emails opened out of the total number of emails delivered.
# contacts touched The total number of unique contacts touched via phone or email.
# contacts changing to stage The total number of unique contacts changing to a selected stage.
% emails replied The percentage of emails replied out of the total number of emails delivered.

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# calls scheduled The total number of phone calls scheduled.
# contacts called The total number of unique contacts called.
# accounts called The total number of unique accounts called.
# calls connected positive The total number of calls marked with a positive call disposition.
% calls connected positive The percentage of calls marked with a positive call disposition out of the total number of calls logged.
# calls connected neutral The total number of calls marked with a neutral call disposition.
% calls connected neutral The percentage of calls marked with a neutral call disposition out of the total number of calls logged.
# calls connected negative The total number of calls marked with a negative call disposition.
% calls connected negative The percentage of calls marked with a negative call disposition out of the total number of calls logged.
avg. call duration The average call duration in seconds.
# calls with disposition The total number of calls with a selected call disposition.

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# emails scheduled The total number of scheduled emails.
# contacts emailed The total number of unique contacts emailed.
# accounts emailed The total number of unique accounts emailed.
# emails delivered The total number of delivered emails.
% emails delivered The percentage of delivered emails out of the total number of sent emails.
# emails bounced The total number of bounced emails.
% emails bounced The percentage of bounced emails out of the total number of sent emails.
# emails clicked The total number of clicked emails.
% emails clicked The percentage of clicked emails out of the total number of sent emails.
# emails interested The total number of interested emails.
% emails interested The percentage of interested emails out of the total number of sent emails.
# emails unsubscribed The total number of unsubscribed emails.
% emails unsubscribed The percentage of unsubscribed emails out of the total number of sent emails.
# emails spam blocked The total number of spam blocked emails.
% emails spam blocked The percentage of spam blocked emails out of the total number of sent emails.
email deliverability score The average email deliverability score on all mailboxes.

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# tasks The total number of tasks completed, scheduled, or skipped.
# tasks scheduled The total number of tasks scheduled but not yet completed.
# tasks completed or skipped The total number of tasks completed or skipped.
# tasks completed The total number of tasks completed.
% tasks completed The percentage of tasks completed out of the total number of tasks.
# tasks completed on time The total number of tasks completed on tasks.
% tasks completed on time The percentage of tasks completed on time out of the total number of tasks.
% total tasks completed on time The percentage of tasks completed on time out of the total number of tasks including scheduled, completed, or skipped.
# tasks skipped The total number of tasks skipped.
% tasks skipped The percentage of tasks skipped out of the total number of tasks completed or skipped.
# overdue tasks The total number of scheduled or completed tasks past their due date.
# unfinished overdue tasks The total number of tasks not completed and past their due date.

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LinkedIn Tasks

# LinkedIn tasks scheduled The total number of LinkedIn tasks scheduled but not yet completed.
# LinkedIn tasks completed or skipped The total number of LinkedIn tasks completed or skipped.
# LinkedIn tasks completed The total number of LinkedIn tasks completed.
% LinkedIn tasks completed The percentage of LinkedIn tasks completed out of the total number of LinkedIn tasks.
# LinkedIn tasks completed on time The total number of LinkedIn tasks completed on time.
% LinkedIn tasks completed on time The percentage of LinkedIn tasks completed on time out of the total number of LinkedIn tasks.
# LinkedIn tasks skipped The total number of LinkedIn tasks skipped.
% LinkedIn tasks skipped The percentage of LinkedIn tasks skipped out of the total number of LinkedIn tasks.

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# accounts called The total number of unique accounts called.
# accounts emailed The total number of unique accounts emailed.
# accounts The total number of unique accounts prospected.
$ account total revenue The sum of account revenue in thousands of US dollars.
$ account average revenue The average of account revenue in thousands of US dollars.
# accounts in stage The total number of accounts in a selected stage.
# accounts changing to stage The total number of accounts changing to a selected stage.
# accounts changing from stage The total number of accounts changing from a selected stage.
# accounts changing stage The total number of accounts changing stage.

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# contacts called The total number of unique contacts called.
# contacts emailed The total number of unique contacts emailed.
# contacts The total number of unique contacts prospected.
# contacts removed from sequence The total number of contacts removed from a sequence.
# contacts in stage The total number of contacts in a selected stage.
# contacts changing from stage The total number of contacts changing from a selected stage.
# contacts changing stage The total number of contacts changing stage.
# contacts changing jobs The total number of contacts changing jobs.

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# deals The total number of deals.
# deals won The total number of deals closed-won.
# deals closed The total number of deals closed-lost or closed-won.
$ deal total amount won The total revenue across deals with a status of closed-won.
$ deal avg. amount won The average deal revenue across deals with a status of closed-won.
$ deal total weighted forecasted revenue The total forecasted revenue across deals weighted by deal stage probability.
$ deal average weighted forecasted revenue The average forecasted revenue across deals weighted by deal stage probability.
$ deal total amount The total deal amount across all deals.
$ deal avg. amount The average deal amount across all deals.
deal avg. sales cycle in days The average sales cycle length by deal, calculated by the amount of time that passes between first touch with a prospected and a closed deal.
% deal win rate The percentage of closed-won deals out of the total number of deals closed-won or closed-lost.
$ deal pipeline generated The total revenue across deals with a stage forecast category of pipeline, best case, commit, or closed.
# deals in stage The total number of deals in a selected deal stage.
# deals changing stage The total number of unique deals that have changed deal stage at least once.

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# net new people The total number of new people that have not been prospected yet.

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# net new companies The total number of new companies that have not been prospected yet.

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# meetings scheduled The total number of meetings scheduled in Apollo.
# meetings cancelled The total number of meetings cancelled in Apollo.
# meetings rescheduled The total number of meetings rescheduled in Apollo.

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Website visitors

# website visitors The total number of website visitors to your domains.

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# conversations recorded The total number of conversations recorded in Apollo.
# upcoming conversations The total number of upcoming conversations.
speaker switches The total number of times the speaker switched between the team member and a customer across all conversations.
average longest customer story (in ms) The average duration of the longest customer monologue across all conversations, in milliseconds.
average patience (in ms) The average duration between a customer speaking and the team member speaking across all conversations, in milliseconds.
average talk ratio The average talk ratio across all conversations.
average question rate The average questions rate across all conversations.
average longest monologue (in ms) The average duration of the longest team member monologue across all conversations, in milliseconds.

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Edit a Report

You can edit your custom reports at any time. To edit a custom report:

  1. Launch Apollo and click Analytics > Reports.
  2. Click to open the custom report you want to edit.
Let's Make a Copy

You can't edit pre-built Apollo reports, but you can duplicate pre-built reports to customize them however you need. When you open a pre-built report, click Duplicate report to create a copy, then edit the duplicate.

Duplicate report button highlighted
  1. Click Edit report.

Edit report button highlighted

  1. Add or edit metrics and dimensions as needed. You can also update your report's name by clicking the report title.
  2. When you're done, click Save report.

You've now edited your custom report.

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Share a Report

You can manage access permissions to allow your entire team or select team members to view your custom report. To share access:

  1. Open your custom report from Reports.
  2. Click Share.

Share report button highlighted

  1. Under Share with, enter the email or name for each user or team you want to give access to your report.
  2. Set their access permissions to one of the following:
    • Full access
    • Can edit
    • Can view

Share report access options

  1. To share your custom report with everyone in your company, set visibility to Everyone.

Set access to everyone

  1. Click Done to save your changes.

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More Resources

Check out these articles to learn more about analytics in Apollo: